
I don’t make many political statements in this blog and this one is not intended to be.

I would like to use Momar Qaddafi as a great example of how Satan is clinging to his illegitimate throne.

Momar Qaddafi is the classic example of a dictator. He leads by force and threat. A true dictator makes good on his threats when he is cornered and losing his power over the people he rules.

Qaddafi will stop at nothing to hold power over his people. The more the people push back the more the leader grasps hold of his power and resources to keep that power.

This is an earthly example of what is taking place in the spiritual realm.

Satan was defeated at the cross by Christ. Jesus rose and ascended to the throne of both Heaven and Earth. He is now Lord of lords and King of kings. Everything is now being brought under Christ’s Authority.

There is a problem with this. Satan still believes he is the ruler of this age. He has stolen the throne and as an illegitimate leader he will stop at nothing to keep hold of his false reign and rule over the people of earth.

As Satan realizes his time is running out he will ramp up his activity to hold people hostage to his power and control over their lives.

Just like a falling dictator, Satan will stop at nothing to keep a hold of his illegitimate position. He will lie, deceive, trick, cheat, threaten, and force people to submit to his rule. The more people he can deceive the more power he has to maintain his illegitimate position.

People give leaders their position. If you are willing to follow a dictator, whether it be by force, threat or fear, you are allowing the dictator to rule.

Satan understands that his only hope is to keep people deceived to keep power over them. If the people are deceived they will not stand against the deceiver until things get so bad that they want out from under the oppressor. To gain your freedom from a dictator you must be willing to stand firm and even fight to the death for that which you desire.

Christ set up a new kingdom. It is not a kingdom of force. It is a kingdom of free choice. You either freely submit to His rule and reign or you can stay under the rule of your present oppressor.

By the way, you must not love your life so much that you are not willing to die to gain your freedom. Those who win the victory overcome by the blood of the Lamb and their testimony.

I pray this has been an eye opening read for what is happening in our midst.

Published in: on February 28, 2011 at 8:16 am  Leave a Comment  

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